Care, Counsel, And Courage For Pastors

Resources For Pastors

Podcast Episodes

Articles For Pastors

Should pastors tell unbelievers that God loves them?

Every pastor that has wrestled with the doctrines of grace has at one point or another pondered this question: Should I tell unbelievers that God loves them? The logic goes something like this. Based upon Romans nine it seems that God elects some people to everlasting life and others he

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Let Workers be Workers

Dorothy Sayers makes me feel like a human. Something few pastors ever do. I have been reading Creed or Chaos, a collection of her essays and the thing I love most about these essays is her courage to step all over the toes of high-horsed men who think they own the

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The Shepherd Cooks: How to Feed Sheep

Everyone knows that going to the grocery store is not all that it takes to feed a family. You must bring those groceries home. You need to know how to arrange them. Just as imperative is how you cook them. And if you value the finer things in life, how

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Your patronage supports my weekly content and resource production, personal and group coaching, and yearly events for pastors and the men of their communities.

My Work

A pastor coming alongside other pastors reminding them of the Chief Pastor through care, coaching, resources, and events. I offer weekly content and confidential care for pastors who need someone to listen to and pray with them.

My Aim

Who is a pastor? What does a pastor do? I aim to offer Biblical guidance for pastors who need help answering those questions. Are you dealing with anger, grief, loneliness, marriage issues, moral failure, or that difficult meeting that’s coming up? I can help.


Over 550 episodes of near-weekly teaching and conversations for pastors.


Yearly geared for pastors and the men and boys of their community to spend time together, learn, and be encouraged.


Resources being developed to equip pastors and help them equip their people.


Jared is an experienced speaker available for speaking at conferences and other events on a variety of topics concerning pastoring, family life, theological and cultural topics, and more.

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For the wives and women of your church, check out Jared’s wife’s podcast for ladies: