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How to face Lockdowns? Here you go.
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How to face Lockdowns? Here you go.
Buy The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates
Esv Preaching Bible
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Great pod. I haven’t considered that angle on social distancing before, and it sparked a few questions. First, for pastors specifically, where is the line of requirement between going to the sick and them simply staying home or away until theyre better? Is it an if they call for you go thing, or it’s wrong to ever distance when sick? And second, what is your view of distancing/quarantining when you or someone in your house is sick (or when you’ve been closely exposed to someone who got sick)? For pastors, but also congregants/Christians in general. Ironically just before listening to this I learned my dad (who I live with) is sick and tested positive this morning. I know the guidelines are bunk, and I don’t want to be a sheep, but…i don’t want to accidentally spread it to everyone at church on Sunday.