Courage My Lads Podcast

TSC Conversation: Sam Eldredge
Thanks for listening! Here is the link to my conversation with John from a couple years ago.

TSC Conversation: Wyatt Wood
Thanks for listening! Links Wyatt’s Instagram @wyattwood_music Higdon Outroors

#201 The Pastor’s Attire
Thanks for listening. Zach Garris Article The Elder’s Attire

TSC Conversation: Gabriel Hughes
Thanks for listening! Gabe’s Links WWUTT WWUTT Podcast Pastor Gabe writes over on the Honor God Network and can be found here

#198 3 Benefits of the Home Study
Thanks for listening! Yukon River Knives Coupon Code shepherdscrook

#197 Word of Caution to the Patriarchy Movement
Thanks for listening! Sponsor Yukon River Knives Coupon Code shepherdscrook

#196 Pastoring Older Men
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TSC Conversation: Nik Storm
Thanks for listening! Sponsor Coupon Code shepherdscrook Nik’s Website

#196 Presbyterian Theology Caused T Jender Ism;)
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