Courage My Lads Podcast

Jared Sparks

TSC Conversation: Nathan Spearing

Let’s talk about productive property. Nathan Spearing is doing some great stuff and taking ground for the Kingdom. We have a great time talking about all thing great things he has going on. You can find Nate at

Jared Sparks

#173 Head Coverings

Thanks for coming back! Link to the Book “Head Coverings” by Jeremy Gardiner Link to the John MacArthur Article *Note My comments on former adulterers and homosexuals from 1 Cor. 6 was said in a unclear way. It is a very good thing that Paul says “And such

Jared Sparks

#171 Suffering Part 4: Sickness

Thanks for listening! Sponsor for the Month  Founders To sign up for the founders 10 book giveaway just subscribe to my gab channel and leave a comment on any video. GabTV Channel