Courage My Lads Podcast

TSC Conversation: Nathan Spearing
Let’s talk about productive property. Nathan Spearing is doing some great stuff and taking ground for the Kingdom. We have a great time talking about all thing great things he has going on. You can find Nate at

#173 Head Coverings
Thanks for coming back! Link to the Book “Head Coverings” by Jeremy Gardiner Link to the John MacArthur Article *Note My comments on former adulterers and homosexuals from 1 Cor. 6 was said in a unclear way. It is a very good thing that Paul says “And such

TSC Conversation: Pat Daly from The Banner
Here we are again! Thanks for being back! Sponsor Founders Ministries Links The Banner of Truth

#172 Suffering. Sorry Big Eva! We Have Been Persecuted
Thanks for coming back! Sponsor for the Month? Founders To sign up for the 10 Book giveaway subscribe to my gab channel HERE

TSC Conversation: Liturgy With Andy Claud
This was a lot of fun and way overdue! Sponsor for the Month Founders

#171 Suffering Part 4: Sickness
Thanks for listening! Sponsor for the Month Founders To sign up for the founders 10 book giveaway just subscribe to my gab channel and leave a comment on any video. GabTV Channel

TSC Conversation: Dr. Jason Garwood
Sponsor of the month is: Founders Ministries Dr. Jason Garwood Postmillennialism by Kieth Mathinson

#170 Suffering: Natural Disasters
Thanks for listening! Sponsor Founders Ministries Gab TV Channel Link

#169 The Wills of God in Suffering
I am back. Happy New year to you all! Thanks for listening! Sponsor Founders