Courage My Lads Podcast

TSC: Jonathan Anderson of Cornerstone Work/Worldview Institute
Thanks for listening! Check out the Work and Worldview Institute!

#136 Anger Toward the Good Shepherd: John 10
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TSC Conversation: Joffre The Giant
Thanks for listening! I talked with Joffre Swait about life, manhood, and a bunch of current issues. This was fun! Find Joffre on Gab @joffrethegiant

TSC Conversation: Matt Hartline (Theonomy)
Me and my buddy Matt, talk about Theonomy. Enjoy!

#133 Pastoral Lessons from Jesus: John 7
Moving forward when people think you are crazy. Following God’s timing. Seek the glory of God. Thanks for coming back! Help me spread the word about the show! Intensive

TSC Conversation: Dr. Tom Ascol
Thanks for listening! We talked about Voddie Baucham, SBC in June, the authority of the Bible, and much more!

#132 John 6: The Crowd Leaves Jesus
Thanks for listening! To Support: The Shepherd’s Crook 325 Ashwood Ln Carbondale Illinois, 62901.

TSC Conversation: Bnonn Tennant
Thanks for listening! You can check out the work Bnonn and Foster are doing at: