Courage My Lads Podcast

Jared Sparks

TSC Conversation: Michael Foster

We talked about Pumpkin Spice Lattes, The Cross and the Switchblade, Street evangelism, It’s Good To Be a Man, The State of the Pastorate, and much more. It’s Good To Be A Man It’s Good To Be A Man Podcast  

Jared Sparks

TSC Conversation: Dr. Steve Farrar

Thanks for listening. I got to talk with Dr. Steve Farrar about his life, ministry, depression, Steve’s book Point Man, Promise Keepers, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Men’s ministry, and much more. Steve’s Website

Jared Sparks

TSC Conversation: Joey Hawkins

Joey is a board member of TSC. More importantly, he is a dear friend and brother. In this conversation, we talk about life, ministry, the Intensive, outdoors, hunting, and much more.

Jared Sparks

#112 4 Reasons The Church Was Unprepared For 2020

Thanks for listening! 4 Big Reasons the Church was unprepared for 2020. 1. Evangelicals creedally affirm the inerrancy and authority of the Bible but are embarrassed by actual verses. 2. A century of emphasizing missiology over ecclesiology. 3. Misguided belief that a Christian celebrity makes a larger impact on society