Archives: Episode
TSC Conversation: Joey Hawkins
Joey is a board member of TSC. More importantly, he is a dear friend and brother. In this conversation, we talk about life, ministry, the Intensive, outdoors, hunting, and much more.
#51 Smiling Confrontation
Thanks for listening! Make sure to follow us on Instagram. If there is anything you would like us to talk about please let us know.
Sparks Men Podcast: Wrestling and Fighting
Ransom wanted to start a podcast together. Enjoy. Art of Manliness Article
#113 The Pastor and The Mastery of Emotions
Thanks so much for listening! I would love your feedback. I hope this clarified my post from last week.
TSC Conversation with Dr. Joe Rigney
Thanks for listening! Crossway The Things of Earth by Joe Rigney
#112 4 Reasons The Church Was Unprepared For 2020
Thanks for listening! 4 Big Reasons the Church was unprepared for 2020. 1. Evangelicals creedally affirm the inerrancy and authority of the Bible but are embarrassed by actual verses. 2. A century of emphasizing missiology over ecclesiology. 3. Misguided belief that a Christian celebrity makes a larger impact on society than the Christian family. 4. …
TSC Conversation with Chris Wiley
In this conversation, we talk about covid, constitutional rights, the church growth movement, productive property, Mr. Shu, and much more. Enjoy!
#111 Pastor Camp/Shots of Courage from Acts 20
Thanks for coming back. If you haven’t yet, please consider leaving a review/rating on iTunes and sharing the podcast as well! We want the ministry to grow to help as many pastors/churches as we can. Thanks!