Courage My Lads Podcast

Jared Sparks

TSC Conversation with Chris Wiley

In this conversation, we talk about covid, constitutional rights, the church growth movement, productive property, Mr. Shu, and much more. Enjoy!  

Jared Sparks

#111 Pastor Camp/Shots of Courage from Acts 20

Thanks for coming back. If you haven’t yet, please consider leaving a review/rating on iTunes and sharing the podcast as well! We want the ministry to grow to help as many pastors/churches as we can. Thanks!

Jared Sparks

#107 The Pastor and Politics

Thank you for listening. If this podcast has been helpful, please consider passing it along to a friend.

Jared Sparks

#106 The Pastor as Arsonist

Thanks for listening! Pastor Camp  October 16-17th Links  No Quarter November Video  Doug Wilson