TSC Interview: Micah Oakley
Micah and I grew up together. I have always looked up to him. In this interview, we talk about life and ministry. He serves as an elder at The Journey Southern Illinois.
Micah and I grew up together. I have always looked up to him. In this interview, we talk about life and ministry. He serves as an elder at The Journey Southern Illinois.
We have arrived at episode 100! Thank you so much for continuing to listen!
Thanks for listening! Micah is my cousin and a former Navy Seal. Enjoy! Link Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink
Thanks for coming back. We are working through a series on Biblical Manhood! Enjoy!
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Thank you for listening! We are starting a new series talking about manhood.
Links Am I Called? Older Pastor/Younger Pastor Podcast
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Pastor, If you have been confused by all the “Systemic Racism” talk then this episode is for you. Thanks for listening! I would love to hear from you! Let Sponsor Kevin Lovegreen Giveaway Lucky Luke 11 Book Series! Links Discrimination and Disparities by Thomas Sowell Uncle Tom by Larry Elder
Thanks for continuing to come back to listen! I hope these interviews are helpful to you! Sponsor Kevin Lovegreen Giveaway Lucky Luke 11 Book Series!
Thank you for listening! This conversation was a lot of fun and incredibly helpful to me. Enjoy! June Sponsor Kevin Lovegreen Giveaway Lucky Luke 11 Book Series! Show Links Defy Tyrants Matt’s Sermons