Courage My Lads Podcast

Jared Sparks

#67 The Pastor & Respectability

Thank you for listening. Please help me spread the word about the ministry. Consider sharing this episode or your favorite episode and the leave a review and rating on iTunes. Thank you for your help! November Giveaway  B&H Academic  

Jared Sparks

Bonus Episode: 5 Reasons I Don’t Like the Enneagram

Hey everyone! I hope all is well with you. Thanks for listening. I would love your feedback on this episode. Message me and let me know your thoughts. Links  Girl What’s Your Number Sheologians Podcast episode on the enneagram. This is phenomenal! Joe Carter on the Enneagram Enneagram History Enneagram’s Stanic/New

Jared Sparks

#65 Husband of One Wife, Not A Polygamist

Thank you so much for listening. It is pastor appreciation month and I don’t want to miss an opportunity to thank you for all that God is doing through you. Press on! Don’t quit! Have fun following Christ and loving his bride! Giveaway  Canon Press Books Podcast Fruitful and Fearless

Jared Sparks

TSC Interview: Neil McClendon

Thank you so much for listening! You are really going to enjoy this interview! Neil McClendon is the lead pastor at Grand Parkway Baptist Church  Sermon Recommendation  The Ordination of Aaron Cotton  

Jared Sparks

#64 Above Reproach

Notes: Giveaway  Canon Press Bundle Podcast Fruitful and Fearless The Shepherd’s Crook Intensive  

Jared Sparks

#63: Pastors Must Be Men

Thank you for listening. We have a lot of great stuff for you to check out! Fruitful and Fearless Podcast Canon Press Giveaway The Shepherd’s Crook Intensive    

Jared Sparks

TSC Interview: Dr. Jason Allen

Dr. Allen is the President of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. This interview is packed full of great things for pastors. He also tells us about his favorite in-game dunk from high school. Enjoy!

Jared Sparks

#62 Godly Desire

Thank you for listening! We are starting a new series working through 1 Tim. 3:1-7. Enjoy! Canon Press Giveaway Here Reminder!  Follow the Fruitful and Fearless podcast on iTunes this week. You can find episode 1 Here Follow them on Instagram @fruitfulandfearless

Jared Sparks

Bonus Episode: Jared & Jordan

It’s a lot of fun when Jordan and I get to be on the podcast together! Today we are introducing The Shepherd’s Crook for Wives and the “Fruitful and Fearless Podcast”! Insta @fruitfulandfearless  

Jared Sparks

#61: The Pastor and Sobriety of Mind

Thanks for listening! Sponsor  This is the last day of the month. Make sure and check out Zero Mile Mark and purchase so great outdoor gear! Book Fathered by God  by John Eldredge