Courage My Lads Podcast

Jared Sparks

TSC Interview: Mark Goldman

It is an honor to introduce one of our board members, Mark Goldman. Mark is the pastor of FBC Herrin Illinois. I think you will enjoy this interview! Sponsor for the Month? Zero Mile Mark Giveaway  ZMM Tent/Backpack Art of Manliness The Strenuous Life  LINK The Shepherd’s Crook Intensive  LINK

Jared Sparks

#60: The Pastor and Suicide

Thanks for continuing to listen. Sponsor  Zero Mile Mark Giveaway  Tent/Backpack Giveaway Links Gospel Wakefulness by Jared Wilson (Not Jarrid Wilson) Spurgeon’s Sorrows by Zack Eswine Jarrid Wilson Memorial Fund The Shepherd’s Crook Intensive  Info/Registration

Jared Sparks

TSC Interview: Costi Hinn

This interview with my friend Costi was a lot of fun. You are going to enjoy it greatly! Remember, we have a great giveaway going on this month! I want to encourage you to get outdoors! Head over to Zero Mile Mark and purchase some great gear! Giveaway  If you

Jared Sparks

#59 Worldview: Abortion

This is the final episode on in the Worldview Series. I hope it has been helpful to you! Make sure and check out and buy some products from our sponsor for the month, Zero Mile Mark! We have a great Tent/BackPack Giveaway going on with them for the rest of the month! Sign

Jared Sparks

#58 Worldview: Gender & Sexuality

Thank you for continuing to come back! I hope this episode is helpful to you! Sponsor Go check out Zero Mile Mark and get some gear! It’s time to get outside! Giveaway  Tent/Backpack Giveaway

Jared Sparks

TSC Interview: Ryan Britt

Thanks for listening! In this episode, I interview Ryan Britt, an old friend of mine and a pastor at the Church of Eleven22 Sponsor for September Zero Mile Mark Giveaway  ZMM Tent/Backpack

Jared Sparks

#57 Worldview: Racism and Racial Reconciliation

We are excited to announce our sponsor for the month of Sept! Zero Mile Mark is an outdoor company with a lot of great products! One of the things I want to encourage pastors to do is to get outside and have some adventures! ZMM can help with that! Zero Mile Mark

Jared Sparks

TSC Interview: Nick Volkening

Thanks again for listening! Nick has been a good friend of mine for several years now! I think yo uare really going to enjoy this interview. Book Recommendation The Imperfect Pastor  by Zack Eswine Links For You  Buck Knives Buck Knives Giveaway  

Jared Sparks

#56 Worldview: Self-Defense

Thanks for listening! It this podcast has been helpful to you, please consider leaving a review on iTunes! Thanks again to Buck Knives for sponsoring the show and offering such a great GIVEAWAY!  

Jared Sparks

#55 Worldview: Education “Public, Christian, or Homeschool?”

Thanks again for listening. I hope this is helpful for you as you navigate shepherding those who are making school decision about their children. Also, as a pastor, most likely you are also a father and I pray this episode is helpful for you! Remember to check out our sponsor

Jared Sparks

#54 Worldview: The Environment & The Human Body

We are plugging along in the Worldview Series thinking through life with the lenses of the Bible. Make sure and check out Buck Knives and sign up for the Giveaway ! If this podcast has been helpful to you, please spread the word and leave a review/rating on iTunes! I would greatly appreciate

Jared Sparks

#53 Biblical Worldview: Creation vs Evolution

As always, thanks for listening! Hey, you need some lifetime warranted knives! Buck Knives is my favorite knife company and they happen to be our sponsor for the month of Aug! We have partnered with them to offer a really great GIVEAWAY! You can land yourself a Buck 119 and a Buck 112 if