Courage My Lads Podcast

Jared Sparks

TSC Interview: Jared Wilson

I am so thankful for Jared Wilson. God has used him in my life in countless ways. I wish we could have discussed even more but time would not allow. If you have not read his works, it is time to change that:) Start with “The Pastor’s Justification” or “Gospel

Jared Sparks

#52 Biblical Worldview

This episode launches a new series about Biblical Worldview. I will be discussing a lot of fun things through the lenses of the Bible. Be sure and keep up with the series! Also, if you enjoy coffee make sure and sign up for the Crown Brew Coffee GIVEAWAY! Please leave a comment

Jared Sparks

TSC Interview: Noah Oldham

Really thankful I got to interview my friend Noah Oldham! The website for August Gate is HERE Also, who doesnt like free coffee? There is still time to check out our sponsor for the month, Crown Brew Coffee and sign up for the giveaway HERE.

Jared Sparks

#51 The Pastor and Personal Correspondence

Well, this was fun! Let me know what you think of the episode! Thanks for listening! If you love good coffee check out Crown Brew Coffee and buy a bunch of stuff from them! We are also doing a really great giveaway with them and you can sign up for that HERE.  

Jared Sparks

TSC Interview: Jared and Jordan on Money

Thanks so much for listening! It was awesome having Jordan on this episode with me! I think you are really going to be challenged and encouraged by this. There are some audio problems and the first 1 min 20 sec was cut out, but you will catch on to the

Jared Sparks

#50 Missional Humility

Thanks so much for listening! Leave a comment and let me know what you think of the episode. Make sure to check out this month sponsor Crown Brew Coffee! Crown Brew is owned by some friends of mine and they have agreed to do a really sweet giveaway as well. Check out

Jared Sparks

TSC Interview: Sparks and Scroggins Table Conversation

Jordan and I got to visit our dear friends Mason and Bre Scroggins recently. We sat down with them around their kitchen table and had a great conversation. I invite you to listen in! Remember, there is still time to sign up for the 9 Marks Building Healthy Churches Giveaway. This

Jared Sparks

#48: The Looming Midlife Crisis Of Millennial Pastors

Thanks for continuing to come back! Let me know what you think about the episode! I want to thank The Majesty’s Men and the Honor God Network for sponsoring the ministry this month! Check them out today! Don’t forget the giveaway for this month! We are giving away the complete Building Health Churches  series from

Jared Sparks

TSC Interview: Dave Harvey

I really enjoyed getting to interview my friend Dave Harvey. This episode is packed full of pastoral nuggets that you don’t want to miss! You can find all of Dave’s books on his Amazon Page. His new website will be up and running soon at  

Jared Sparks

#47 Role Of Women In The Church

This concludes a 7 part series on complementarianism. If this has been helpful, please consider passing it along. Thanks for continuing to come back to listen! Thanks again to The Majesty’s Men and the Honor God Network for sponsoring the show for the month of June! If you have not yet signed up for