Archives: Episode
#68 The Pastor and Hospitality
Thanks for continuing to come back! Please consider spreading the word about TSC by sharing this episode. November Giveaway B&H Academic
TSC Interview: Brian Croft
It was a great joy to interview Brian Croft. He has been working with pastors for several years and has a ton of wisdom about healthy pastoral ministry. You can find Brian’s material at his website Practical Shepherding He also has a fantastic podcast you can find HERE Giveaway B&H Academic
#07 How To Be And Interested Person
Thank you for listening! We would love to hear from you. Please connect with us through Instagram and let us know what projects you are up too! Instagram @fruitfulandfearless @jordan_87_ @lexysauve
#67 The Pastor & Respectability
Thank you for listening. Please help me spread the word about the ministry. Consider sharing this episode or your favorite episode and the leave a review and rating on iTunes. Thank you for your help! November Giveaway B&H Academic
Bonus Episode: 5 Reasons I Don’t Like the Enneagram
Hey everyone! I hope all is well with you. Thanks for listening. I would love your feedback on this episode. Message me and let me know your thoughts. Links Girl What’s Your Number Sheologians Podcast episode on the enneagram. This is phenomenal! Joe Carter on the Enneagram Enneagram History Enneagram’s Stanic/New Age History Giveaway B&H Academic …
#06 Temptations of a Pastors Wife: The Stage
Thank you so much for listening! We would love to hear from you! Reach out to us via Instagram and let us know what you think! @fruitfulandfearless Links There is No Such Thing As Bad Weather by Linda Akeson McGurk Rain or Shine Mamma Berne Bib Overalls
#66 The Pastor and Self-Control of Body & Soul
Thank you for listening! Links Sponsor of the Month B&H Academic Giveaway Baptist Collection Book Working the Angles by Eugene Peterson Video Link The Marshmallow Test
#05 Five Vocations
Thank you so much for listening! Please help us spread the word about the podcast by sharing it and leaving a review/rating on iTunes.
#65 Husband of One Wife, Not A Polygamist
Thank you so much for listening. It is pastor appreciation month and I don’t want to miss an opportunity to thank you for all that God is doing through you. Press on! Don’t quit! Have fun following Christ and loving his bride! Giveaway Canon Press Books Podcast Fruitful and Fearless Podcast
Bonus Episode: Associate Pastor Disagreements With Senior Pastors
Last week I asked for questions on Instagram. The content in the episode is in response to one of those questions! Thank you for listening! If you have any questions for me, send them in! You may get a bonus episode in response.
TSC Interview: Neil McClendon
Thank you so much for listening! You are really going to enjoy this interview! Neil McClendon is the lead pastor at Grand Parkway Baptist Church Sermon Recommendation The Ordination of Aaron Cotton