#04: Ministry of Marriage

Thank you for listening! Make sure and follow us on insta at @fruitfulandfearless! Book Recommendations  True Companion  by Nancy Wilson

#64 Above Reproach

Notes: Giveaway  Canon Press Bundle Podcast Fruitful and Fearless The Shepherd’s Crook Intensive  

#03 How To Not Hate Sunday Mornings

In this episode, Jordan and Lexy share some funny Sunday morning stories and then give some helpful guidance on how a pastor’s wife can avoid hating Sunday mornings! Thank you for listening! Help us spread the word by sharing this episode and leaving a review on iTunes. Cookbook Recommendation  The Prairie Homestead Cookbook  

#63: Pastors Must Be Men

Thank you for listening. We have a lot of great stuff for you to check out! Fruitful and Fearless Podcast Canon Press Giveaway The Shepherd’s Crook Intensive    

TSC Interview: Dr. Jason Allen

Dr. Allen is the President of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. This interview is packed full of great things for pastors. He also tells us about his favorite in-game dunk from high school. Enjoy!

#02: Gospel Foundations

Thanks for listening! Please follow us on Instagram! We would love to connect with you! @fearlessandfruitful

#62 Godly Desire

Thank you for listening! We are starting a new series working through 1 Tim. 3:1-7. Enjoy! Canon Press Giveaway Here Reminder!  Follow the Fruitful and Fearless podcast on iTunes this week. You can find episode 1 Here Follow them on Instagram @fruitfulandfearless

Bonus Episode: Jared & Jordan

It’s a lot of fun when Jordan and I get to be on the podcast together! Today we are introducing The Shepherd’s Crook for Wives and the “Fruitful and Fearless Podcast”! Insta @fruitfulandfearless  

#01 Fruitful & Fearless: Introductions

This is the very first episode of the Fruitful and Fearless podcast! Thank you much for listening! It would help us if you would jump on iTunes and leave us a review/rating! Also, make sure and follow us on Instagram @fruitfulandfearless    

#61: The Pastor and Sobriety of Mind

Thanks for listening! Sponsor  This is the last day of the month. Make sure and check out Zero Mile Mark and purchase so great outdoor gear! Book Fathered by God  by John Eldredge

TSC Interview: Mark Goldman

It is an honor to introduce one of our board members, Mark Goldman. Mark is the pastor of FBC Herrin Illinois. I think you will enjoy this interview! Sponsor for the Month? Zero Mile Mark Giveaway  ZMM Tent/Backpack Art of Manliness The Strenuous Life  LINK The Shepherd’s Crook Intensive  LINK  

#60: The Pastor and Suicide

Thanks for continuing to listen. Sponsor  Zero Mile Mark Giveaway  Tent/Backpack Giveaway Links Gospel Wakefulness by Jared Wilson (Not Jarrid Wilson) Spurgeon’s Sorrows by Zack Eswine Jarrid Wilson Memorial Fund The Shepherd’s Crook Intensive  Info/Registration