Episode 5: Pastor, Remember Jesus Christ

The Shepherd's Crook
The Shepherd's Crook
Episode 5: Pastor, Remember Jesus Christ

The Shepherd’s Crook Podcast Episode 5 is now posted.

Below is an article to complement the podcast.

“Remember Christ Jesus, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached by my gospel.” 2 Timothy 2:8

Really, Paul? That’s what you need to tell Timothy? Timothy is a pastor! Has he forgotten about Jesus already?

This morning, I need what Timothy needed. I need to be reminded of Jesus. Sometimes I wonder about gospel-centrality – “Are we just reacting to the moralistic seeker stuff of the previous decades?” Then, I open my Bible and I am shaken back into reality. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Paul tells Timothy: “Remember Jesus Christ.” Ahhh. Like water for the soul.

Timothy needed a reminder! It’s like Paul reached through the pages, grabbed Timothy by the shoulders, looked him in the eye, and said, “Don’t forget about Jesus!” Come on Paul! That’s so rudimentary! But with the Holy Spirit, the simple truth is always pregnant with power. So Paul continues: “Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead.” Like Pastor Timothy, we need a constant reminder, even now, that Jesus is alive! The Jesus we are called to remember is the Jesus who is still living. He is the only Person in history of whom we can remind ourselves of a life, death, and resurrection. Lest we forget the uniqueness of the God-Man, remember Him and that He is alive! But wait, the rabbit hole goes deeper.

“Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David.” 2 Timothy 2:8 “Hey, Pastor Timothy! Jesus is alive and He is the one who was long promised!” Paul does not want Timothy to forget. There is an eternal King who sits on the throne forever. Jesus’ authority, however, does not stop with one nation. Oh, no. The Offspring of David has “all authority in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18). We must remember that Jesus is our reigning King! “Timothy don’t forget.” Christian, don’t forget!

From the aging pastor Paul to the seasoned pastor Timothy, both needed to remember Jesus Christ. Pastor friends, we do too.  Remember him. And when we forget again, be encouraged, He will never forget you!


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