#171 Suffering Part 4: Sickness

Thanks for listening! Sponsor for the Month  Founders To sign up for the founders 10 book giveaway just subscribe to my gab channel and leave a comment on any video. GabTV Channel

TSC Conversation: Ian Tacderas

Thanks for coming back. I talk with Ian about Campus Outreach, collegiate ministry as a ministry of the local church, and much more! Sponsor  https://founders.org/ Links  Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary  

#168 Satan, Demons, and Suffering

Thanks for coming back! I hope you had a great Christmas! Look to Christ to end the year and move forward in 2022! Sponsor Founders Ministries

TSC Conversation: Jon Harris

Well this was good. Enjoy and be challenged! Links  https://enemieswithinthechurch.com/ Worldview Conversations Sponsor  https://freegracepress.com/ Coupon Code theshepherdscrook