Don’t Cancel Services, Require Masks, & Social Distance!

How to face Lockdowns? Here you go. Buy The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates Links Esv Preaching Bible Giveaway Link

TSC Conversation: Massey Campos

I had a lot of fun talking Christ and American History with Massey. Enjoy! Thanks for listening! Links  Self-Evident Ministries Wall Builders-David Barton

SBC Disturbing Convention Report

The denomination is not well. Points of Clarification: Bill Ascol’s resolution on abolishing abortion passed. But not as it was written. It was amended to include incremental, regulatory approaches to fighting abortion, which gutted the actual meaning of the resolution. Lifeway receives no Cooperative Program Money.

#142 SBC, CRT, John 16.

Regarding Al Mohler. I did not mention him on the show today. I simply forgot to talk about him. I do not trust him for various reasons. Jon Harris (Conversations that Matter) has a great episode on the issues with Dr. Mohler that you can find HERE.